Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Jambot algorithms

Last week our teacher Mrs Morris had become a 'jambot'. She had turned into a robot and could not seem to be able to make a jam sandwich. She needed instructions to help her make it.

The class were very helpful and wrote a set of instructions (known as algorithms). Some remembered to use arrows or number the instructions so the teacher know what order to do the instructions in. But did they give their instructions with enough detail? Did they tell the jambot what hand to use?

This week, they had the sandwich ingredients, and followed their instructions to check and see if they would work.
Luckily the algorithms were fairly detailed, and every group managed to make a jam sandwich, with some deciding to eat it too!!

Historical time line

We have begun our topic on Ancient Egyptians. We have already thought about what we already know about the topic, and what we want to find out. 

Today we were learning to order important dates from world history on a time line. We also looked at important dates from the Ancient Egyptian era including and found out that the Ancient Egyptians were most significant from around 3000 BC to 30 BC.

We discussed what the terms AD and BC meant and why they are used on a historic timeline.

Then in small groups, we ordered pictures of world history including the Ancient Egyptian civilization. in their chronological order (we used skipping ropes and metre sticks to help create a time line) 

As class, we then put these pictures of world history on a large class time line (with 1 meter representing 1000 yrs) and added the discovery of Tutankhamen’s Tomb in 1922.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Autumn 1 Homework 'Where in the world?'

Thank you for everyone (children and parents) for researching, making, building, writing and enjoying finding out about our world, as part of our topic called 'Where in the world?'

The children loved sharing their work with the rest of the class. Here is recount of all of their hard work.

A map of where she had visited. A drawing of the London eye and flags of different countries made with Hana beads.

A leaflet all about Portugal including information on a fun water slide park.

Photos of a visit to the snow capped Alps, and a model of the slopes.

An Eiffel tower model made from K'nex.

A presentation about the Isle of Wight, and a sand bear.

A UK map and flag. A poster all about the places that he had visited.

A model of a church and map of the British Isles.

Facts and lego models about landmarks from around the world.

East Harling model made from lego, and facts written about the church.

Drew and created the French flag.

Built the Eiffel tower from lego. Researched and wrote facts about France.

Created a folder with information about the church. Designed and created minecraft pictures of the inside and outside of the church.

Created UK flag and researched other flags on internet, then drew some. Wrote facts about London.

Created Hollywood sign and wrote some facts about this place.

Created a fact board all about different places and continents in the world, that she or family members have visited. Marked on a globe these places in the world, and showed her old baby passport.

Created topic folder about Wales including writing facts, flags and a map of UK.

Created map of Uk using cress. Added flags and facts about UK to map too.

Used a book to research shapes of countries. Drew a map of UK, France, Spain and Italy.

Researched into Italy. Created models of Leaning tower of Pisa and Colosseum in Rome. Made typical Italian foods like panacotta and pizza.

Made pyramid of lego and wrote some facts about the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Shared photos of places in the world she had visited, and explained what countries or places they were.

Created paper mache globe with continents on, and added places she had visited. Drew pictures of Portugal and Polish flag.

Created a scrap book of where she has visited in Europe, and shared her drawings of these places.

Created flag of the USA by painting correct number of stripes and sticky stars.

Created model of Eiffel Tower from lego and made flag of France.

Created poster board about London including photos, information and facts. Made a shopping centre, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and London eye from lego.

Maps of the UK, flags created with lego and as drawings. Leaflet written and a picture of the Eiffel Tower.

What is in the box?

The school received a box. It had been found on an archaeological dig. We wondered what was inside it. When we opened the box, we found a mysterious chest. We starting asking questions about it, and thought up 'I wonder...' questions.

Then we opened the chest. WOW! Look what we found.

Inside was a gold statue, we talked about what we thought it was.

Then we opened it up, and found a bandaged figure. What was it?

We wondered if this was dug up in Eqypt. The children thought the wooden chest looked very old, it was full of sand and the figure looked like a mummy!!!